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*** Updated Photo *** From Denny: Check out the latest from the BS Artists of the Pentagon in the form of the military newspaper, the Stars and Stripes. You remember those guys. They are the ones patting themselves on the back - with excessive celebration - for taking down so-called liberal NBC News anchor Brian Williams. Straight from the Haters Corner.
So, what's the latest from the Propaganda News rag? Yes, that's what we high school kids all dubbed it decades ago, military kids and civilian ones alike, when we were growing up overseas. You see, it was one of the few English language publications available to read in Asia so we read it religiously.
Of course, anyone who regularly reads the Pentagon's propaganda baby, the Stars and Stripes, has learned to "read the subtext agenda." The Pentagon leadership has always used this federally funded newspaper to push their own agenda, lies, hatchet jobs on their Scapegoat du Jour and many more tantalizing tidbits as they unconsciously reveal the hidden military relationships of graft and corruption. It's very entertaining reading...
Funny quote: In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God. - from Louisiana artist Denny Lyon. Visit Denny Lyon Gifts @ - see what's new! And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!
Source: Denny Lyon @ |
And that brings us to the point: it's a federally funded newspaper, paid for by the American taxpayers' hard earned money. So, what are the latest shenanigans from our greedy Pentagon at the Stars and Stripes site? After a number of visits in one month they are now demanding money for unlimited access or, to add insult to our intelligence, they offer "free" registration for limited digital access when you visit their site. So, now the U. S. taxpayer is supposed to pay twice? Seriously?
OK, let's see those hands in the air for this question: How many of you trust the Pentagon with your bank account routing number, your credit card, your identity and your email address? What? No hands in the air? Got trust issues? Yeah, me too.
It's time for Congress and this President to rein in the Pentagon from their latest scheme. There is plenty of money in the Pentagon budget for scores of $1.1 trillion fighter planes, then there is also plenty of budget left over for the Stars and Stripes site so as to not double charge the American taxpayer. Talk about price gouging. Yet another Pentagon scheme to deceive the public as well as this President.
Well, if the Stars and Stripes wants to play with the Big Boys in the international news arena then it's time they got kicked out of the nest, learning to fend for themselves. Cut the federal funding for this newspaper and they can do whatever they please - assuming anyone wants to pay for it.
Enjoy this Zen balancing Asian bamboo!
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* * * Visit Denny Lyon Gifts @ - see what's new! And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort! You rock! Currently, proceeds go to Greater BR Food Bank, feeding many military families and veterans, and St. Jude's Children's Hospital too for the great work they have done for children and their families on the Gulf Coast.
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