
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cartoons: American and World Politics, Tea Party - 24 July 2010

*** Check out the latest from the cartoonists this week as they weigh in on the Sherrod unjust firing after they were all set up by Fox News lies. And some Tea Party funnies as a bonus.

Funny Einstein photoshopped as a rocker

From Denny: Talk about a news story that got so many "legs" (as they say in the news biz) that it got up and ran out of the neighborhood: The Unjust Firing of Shirley Sherrod. What this story has is all the right elements. It has injustice at the core of the story at a time when injustice runs rampant in our business world, economy and culture.

It has racial and gender aspects that just prove "the more things change the more they remain the same." Too many women have been waiting for their time of acceptance and to be treated like first class citizens in their own country instead of being treated like second class citizens. What makes it worse is when there are women like the Republicans who join "the masters" and condemn their fellow slaves mindset. Women who turn on other women without hesitation or thought of giving them the benefit of the doubt until the dust settles.

American female culture never has been terribly nice and usually very nasty in how women throw each other under the bus. And American women wonder why most men don't take them seriously enough. The problem is that the women who are serious, thoughtful, energetic about doing more for society and hard-working, like Sherrod, get short shrift because they are lumped in with the common perception of "the destructive maligning woman."

Nothing speaks to acceptance like being given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed the chance to explain the situation after you have been a loyal public servant for decades. Instead, Sherrod was immediately dismissed without a hearing, without a chance to explain the entire situation. More importantly, she was not given a proper investigation. Because she was female it was assumed she was a problem so her own Democrats dumped her unceremoniously. It had less to do with being black as her own President assumed she was guilty without so much as a thought as to maybe she should get a chance for an investigation first before firing.

What also needs to be addressed by the federal government is a return to the media restraint that was in force before 1987. There was a time (yes, it really is true) when everything that marched out onto the airwaves as news had a high standard of proving the veracity of their facts. There was a time when facts were separated from opinion in news stories whether they were on the air or in print. There was a time when every news program was demanded to accurately present both sides of the story.

The standard is to check your news story facts at least three times before running it in print or on the air. Fox News NEVER checks their facts as they are an entertainment network not a news network. After this incident the President needs to kick out Fox News from the White House briefings and to hell with the howling from other press people. They can threaten to not come back and the White House would just be the better off for it. The reality is that all the network news hounds will back down because they all want in on what is going on to deliver their news stories for profit. Obama was foolish to back down the first time when he first took office and wanted to kick out Fox from the White House press briefings. He should have trusted his instincts.

There was a time that people like Rush Limbaugh would have been jailed and heavily fined for the caustic lying he does regularly on the airwaves. Mind you those are supposed to be public airwaves and yet the government continues to give them away for free to blowhard versions of broadcasters like Limbaugh to make millions off of every year. The taxpayer should get a percentage of his earnings every year for his use of the public airwaves.

It's time Congress visit legislation about true privacy as well as the libel laws and update them. We would put an end to the majority of the political character assassination from the Republicans if the Democrats developed some steel spine and created privacy laws to include people running for office and restricted some things that the media can publish about private lives and family members. Maybe they ought to take a look at France's privacy laws.

Political Charade Cartoons

Shirley Sherrod shafted by her own Democrats who refused to investigate before firing her. If they had they would have realized she was the victim of character assassination and totally fabricated lies. This White House actually was foolish enough to take the word of a conservative blogger known for lying on a regular basis. How idiotic was that one?

Steve Sack

Nick Anderson

Jerry Holbert

Steve Benson

Bill Day

Jeff Stahler

Signe Wilkinson

Big Business:

Nick Anderson

Mike Luckovich

Nick Anderson

Lisa Benson

Steve Kelley

Jeff Stahler

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

American voters are spent:

Jeff Stahler

Tea Party:

Ballard Street

Bill Day

Jeff Stahler

Rob Rogers

Nick Anderson

Steve Sack

Rob Rogers

Paul Szep

Paul Szep

Steve Benson

The saddest answer to the Tea Party racists:

Robert Ariail

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Former VP Cheney's newest heart issue of getting a mechanical pump to be his new heart. That basically means he no longer has a pulse - literally, weird, huh?

Rob Rogers

Then there's the Tea Party Asian style - North Korea nutjob:

Jerry Holbert

The Tea Party Afghan style:

Robert Ariail

Funny in Sports:

Moderately Confused

Jeff Stahler

Chip Bok

*** Check out more funnies from this week:

Hunh?! Are You Crazy?! Cartoons - 24 July 2010

BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 24 July 2010

Cartoons: American Economy - 24 July 2010

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

Subscribe to A Truth Journal

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dark Humor: BP Oil Spill Cartoons - 17 July 2010

*** More of the "we are so screwed with this oil spill" political cartoons to enjoy from the nation's cartoonists.

Found this funny photo over at a bizarro blog from the loony tunes Tea Party crowd

From Denny: Even The New Yorker ran a funny from some folks on an oil rig - included in its entirety here - who wrote in ludicrous oil spill recipes to amuse us with their Cajun style dark humor.

I guess we "are where we work and what we work at" sometimes. Can you imagine working out on the Gulf in that mess, smelling those fumes, tasting it in your food, dreaming it while you sleep?

BP Oil Spill:

Steve Kelley

Monday, July 5, 2010

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Says Republicans Want Clinton Blamed, Not Bush

*** Comic Jon Stewart documents the history of blaming previous administrations. Read that as the Republicans are whining their own political strategy is whipping them into weeping jello.

With Bush as President no one had to resort to Photoshop; it came naturally!

From Denny: We all know how intelligent comic Jon Stewart likes to employ actual news clips to bolster his comedy argument of how ridiculous politicians can be. He also enjoys lampooning Fox News folks for their outrageous lying statements.

Stewart's heart was greatly warmed when he found out that the show "Fox & Friends" watches Stewart's "The Daily Show." What a compliment they listen to him, Stewart thought. Stewart documents his own interview with David Axelrod, senior advisor to President Obama, that Fox complained about vehemently. Of course, does Fox News ever do anything less than high intensity venomous volume? Fox took issue with Axelrod whining that he was blaming poor little boy Bush for the lack of an oil spill solution out in the Gulf. Where do they get these bizarre thoughts? Will someone put those folks on some "reasonable thoughts" meds?

Now Stewart, though impressed Fox watches his show, went hard charging to point out that blaming a previous administration is truly nothing new under the political sun. He suggests there may be an informal statute of limitations as to how long into each presidency this blaming process can be utilized to maximum political potential.

The Big However is that the Bush administration continued to lay blame at the feet of predecessor President Clinton for the full eight years Bush was in office. To their hypocritical credit, today's outraged Republicans are incensed that President Obama and the Democrats would dare to continue to lay blame on Bush for this sorry economy and high unemployment only 18 months into a new term. It's so anti-American they say.

Funny Video: Kimmel Compares BP To Al Qaeda

*** Check out comic Jimmy Kimmel's funny fake BP promotional ad of how they are putting America back to work.

From Denny: Comic Jimmy Kimmel really knows how to zero in on those polls and find the gems. Apparently, there are supposed to exist an odd segment of America: a 6 percent who actually like BP and are not angry at them. That means there are like around 18 million people who like BP in America. You have got to be kidding me! Like Kimmel says: "Who ARE these people? Do they actually know the meaning of the word 'favorable'?"

Kimmel lampooned BP's efforts to counteract the truthful public image that these bumbling fools filled up an entire ocean with their oil slick and it still keeps coming as the leaks have yet to be stopped.

BP keeps trying to put a positive "spin" on an environmental disaster with lame ad agency after lame ad agency. They have recently announced that Gulf Coast residents are really not that upset with them because BP cleanup crews have boosted their local economy. What drugs are they smoking? Those jobs are minimum wage replacement jobs for the several hundred thousands they threw out of work in an instant and don't even pay the bills for families.

Kimmel had a ready quip for the fools at BP: "BP taking credit for boosting the economy in the Gulf is like Al Qaeda taking credit for creating jobs in airport security."

Check out the very funny fake commercial Kimmel did for BP's positive spin, complete with a new slogan: Putting America Back To Work...Cleaning Up Our Sh-t."

*** Photo by FellowCreative @ flickr

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

 Subscribe in a reader to A Truth Journal

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

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Funny Video: Colbert Lampoons BPs Positive Spin On Oil Spill

*** Watch comic Colbert scourge BP Planet Magazine for its idiotic positive spin on the oil disaster still unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico.

From Denny: Only a patriotic American like Colbert could find and read the obscure BP's in-house online magazine called BP Planet which sounds like "Third Rock From The Sun" to me. Then again it sounds like a Sarah Palin strategy for taking over the world in 90 days or less.

Colbert pulls out his comedy sledgehammer and pounds on BP's positive spin lube job about the environmental disaster still unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico - courtesy of BP's bumbling.

As an American, Colbert is aghast at the idiotic "feel-good stories" as featured highlights in BP Planet that claim they are creating jobs for Americans as clean up crews on the polluted beaches. Colbert blasts BP Planet as a ridiculous pompous publication that is "all the news that's fit to underestimate by 50,000 barrels."

*** Photo by FellowCreative @ flickr

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

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