
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Social Poets: Funny Obama Inauguration Photo Bombs and Late Nite Jokes

Obama Inauguration Jokes

The Social Poets: Funny Obama Inauguration Photo Bombs and Late Nite Jokes: From Denny:  Since President Obama's second inauguration the web has had a lot of fun with the various amusing inauguration photos - including a few hilarious photo bombs, most unintentional.  President Clinton's is the most recognized but the funniest are of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) hamming it up for recognition.

And the late night comics just had to make us laugh at every moment, especially comments about the First Lady Eye Roll at annoying GOP House Speaker John Boehner.

We all enjoy a good laugh when we discover our politicians are more human than they let on in front of most cameras and on talk shows.

Just check out this latest photo (January 2013) of the President running along the White House Colonnade with the active children of his newest Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough.  Give it 20 years and we may see one of the McDonough kids running for the presidency.  Nothing like getting in some election run practice with a presidential veteran!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Stupid Grilling of Sec. Clinton on Benghazi: Funny Colbert and Jon Stewart Weigh In

From Denny:  What was supposed to be a Congressional hearing to discover what happened in Benghazi, Libya when the Ambassador was killed by terrorists - and how to prevent it from happening again - turned into a 2016 Political Showoff Fest.

Hillary Clinton was present for all the right reasons but she had little company from the rest of Congress.  The Republicans pulled out all the stops to literally stop Sec. of State Hillary Clinton from daring to run for President in 2016.

Of course, the Republicans believe themselves to be legends in their own minds, especially Sen. Rand Paul from Kentucky.  This guy bristled as he soundly condemned and blamed Sec. Clinton for "the worst thing to befall America since 9/11," saying, "If I were President I would have fired you immediately."  The Tea Party darling is a lousy politician, thinking he could dance on the head of one of the most popular politicians - and one of the most admired women in American history - and still run for higher national office.  He killed whatever prospects he might have enjoyed in his imagination.  You would think for an ophthalmologist the man could see better down the road than he does.

Other Republican Senators and Congressmen thought this was their huge opportunity to showcase their "talents."  In their minds a grateful nation would see things as they do.  Nothing could be farther from the truth as they literally farted from their mouths they were so foul in their grandstanding, especially Sen. Johnson from Wisconsin, Sen. McCain from Arizona - the Senate's notorious crank who no longer makes sense - and the finger-wagging self-righteous Rep. Duncan from South Carolina.  They all acted like bigoted angry misogynists.  Every woman in America watched this miscarriage of government, rolled our eyes and then turned off to their politics.

Women Invented Guerrilla War Organic Women's T dk

Proud to be a woman or a man with a tongue in cheek sense of humor? This design is for you! More products available.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Damned Java Hack Causes Blogging Issues, Posting More Soon

From Denny:  To all my friends and readers out there in virtual land, a note:  the Java hack has disrupted the Chrome browser and the Blogger platform off and on for some time.  Availability to post is limited - especially when reduced to using back-up IE browser which handles like a trumpeting war elephant on a college dorm panty raid.

Looks like right now is a good time to start writing. Will see how long access lasts.  By now you all know I'm not the most patient person with sluggish technology.  All hell breaks loose in this house when tech decides to go on holiday or offer whining excuses as to performance.  Maybe some snarky tech scientist should invent Computer Viagra to remedy performance issues.

Sure have a back log of Inauguration posts.  Did manage to watch nine hours of the Inauguration coverage:  the serious, the solemn and the funny.  Sure felt hinky the first 3 - 4 hours about something ominous in the works in the security background - like an increased threat level because of the gun rights nuts - so I kept watching the entire day to monitor the President's situation.

Was well impressed with the many layers of security - and that above and even below the parade route.  I would have preferred though to see an increased to a triple level of Secret Service agents walking alongside the car, and, especially when the Obamas walked parts of the parade route.  Secret Service can feel free to snarl at me all they want but that's my added recommendation to a job well done otherwise.  Nothing like polishing the good to get better, right?

After a few hours into the Inauguration coverage things seemed under control and didn't have to worry about President Obama as he would succeed in finishing the day alive and well.  Yeah, praying for people to keep them safe is always a wise thing to do.  There are many different ways to have someone's back...

Also, watched today the couple of hours of Sec. Hillary Clinton's dynamic testimony to the Senate about the Benghazi, Libya issue and how to solve the security and procedural problems for the future.  She rocked!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Polls: Public Widely Supports Prez Obama On Assault Weapons Ban and More

From Denny:  The NRA and the Republicans might as well give up now while they are still treading water.  The public is growing increasingly restless, anxious for the safety of their children, and downright angry that the NRA and members of Congress are pushing back against common sense and decency.

Thirty days after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, American opinion is rising to higher levels to support serious gun control measures never before considered on a national scale.  Local cities and various states are not waiting for Congress and are passing their own gun control legislation, like New York state.

In the latest Pew Research poll about gun control released yesterday the numbers are high in favor of many gun restrictions, contrary to the NRA public relations campaign attempting to sell to the contrary.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why Wont Pentagon Pay For PTSD Service Dogs For Returning Soldiers?

bravo- service dog
bravo- service dog (Photo credit: greenkozi)

From Denny:  As usual insensitive politics get in the way of doing what is right.  In this case, the budget hawks from the Tea Party and the Republicans make it abundantly clear they don't give a damn about the returning soldiers from the Afghan War.

It's fine for America to send people to war for 10 years running - the Pentagon's new philosophy of Perpetual War - but "fuhgetaboutit" when it comes time to address their many war wounds, the most pronounced of which is the resulting PTSD issue.

Time to rat out the annoying fools over at the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs yet again.  (Separate these from the folks who are trying to work from within to do something about this travesty.) This is really reprehensible the level of official callousness and depraved indifference about refusing to address in a timely fashion - or at all - the mental health issue of PTSD.  Nor does the public want to hear "Oh, we don't have it in the budget."  Yes, you do.

Lucy Name Mug

Lucy is in the house!

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Lion Dog Pranks Passing Motorists

charles the monarch labradoodle

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Lion Dog Pranks Passing Motorists: From Denny:  Well, folks like me with the last name "Lyon" pay close attention to all things "lion" and this hilarious viral video was no exception.  It's a natural just like this awwww, too cute lion dog, Charles the Monarch.

Instead of laughing hard and moving on to start my day I decided it was about time I start sharing these funny videos. There is just something about this dog that warms your heart.  2 video clips here.

Make Merry and Carry On iPhone 5 Case

In honor of funny lion dog, Charles the Monarch, says: Make Merry and Carry On!