From Denny: Women are in crisis around the globe this year - from the
Middle East to Europe to America. For the Middle East it is about torture, malicious prosecution, unjust imprisonment and the selling into prostitution and slavery of both women and their children.
For America it is about dealing with the Hate Merchants women are expected to shrug off and endure as it contributes to domestic abuse, unequal pay and hiring in the work place and
vicious gang rape in our military. In Europe women are dealing with a deep economic crisis that is rocking the foundations of society, robbing hope for the next generation's prosperity.
Today is meant to celebrate the achievements and progress of women on a global scale. It began 100 years ago in 1911 and was first celebrated in four European countries, drawing thousands of supporters in rallies.
By the decade of the 1970's the IWD gained momentum in the
United States, expanding after 1975 when the
United Nations created March 8th as the official date. Since then, IWD has been the marking point for creating awareness for various women's issues from voting rights to the world health crisis of AIDS.
What's happening in the United States
Currently, in the United States women are dealing with Hate Merchants who relentlessly insult and push women back into second class status in America, denying women their free speech and freedom, all on the public airwaves like
Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts have done for decades. That's two generations of women that have had to endure this outrageous hate mongering.